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3rd Global TB Summit gathers MPs to discuss what's next after HLM

Updated: Mar 18, 2019

Parliamentarians from 30 countries gathered to discuss the next steps after the UN High Level Meeting on TB 

From 22nd to 25th of October, senior members of the Global TB Caucus met in The Hague for the 3rd Global TB Summit to discuss our plans to deliver accountability around the UN High-Level Meeting on TB, agree on bold regional workplans, and continue to build relationships with key partners in the TB response.

The 3rd Global TB Summit has produced an ambitious coordinated parliamentary plan to ensure Heads of State deliver on commitments made at the UN High-Level Meeting on TB to end TB. The Caucus has taken the position that "we as Parliamentarians are uniquely placed to hold our Heads of State and governments to account for the commitments that they made, and encourage other world leaders to deliver on the pledges that they made".

The first Global TB Summit took place in 2014 in Barcelona and drew together parliamentarians from each global region. The result was the Barcelona Declaration and the launch of the Global TB Caucus. Twelve months later, in Cape Town, South Africa, a second Global TB Summit was hosted, the largest meeting of parliamentarians dedicated to TB in history.

Declaration of Intentions

The second Summit led to foundation of the Global TB Caucus Secretariat and the agreement of a plan to launch regional and national groups of parliamentarians dedicated to TB across the world. This year, at the Third Global TB Summit members signed a new declaration of intentions on the High-Level Meeting on TB, which can be found here.

Kochon Prize on outstanding political leadership

Organized in parallel with the 49th Union Conference on Lung Health, which gathered thousands of professionals from all over the world, besides the Global TB Summit, other organizations also hosted side events during that week in The Hague. Stop TB Partnership held workshops with several civil society groups, and the traditional Kochon Prize ceremony. The 2018 Kochon Prize was awarded to Minister of Health of South Africa Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and to the Global TB Caucus for outstanding political leadership to end TB. A representative of the Tanzanian volunteer group MKUTA, Mr Mualidi Ntahondi Nyamlenganwa, received an honorary award from the Stop TB Partnership for Community Leadership and Mobilization.

The Rt Hon Nick Herbert CBE MP and Minister Aaron Motsolaedi, co-chairs of the Global TB Caucus, accepting the award


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