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Kyrgyzstan Parliament Makes TB a National Priority

On October 31, 2022, a parliamentary meeting with the head of the Kyrgyzstan TB Caucus (Hon. Venera Raimbachayeva) was held alongside civil society representatives and Caucus focal point Ms. Chynara Bakirova. This meeting focused on the current state of TB prevention and treatment programs in Kyrgyzstan, and served as a preparatory step for a national high-level meeting on TB.

(L-R Kerimova Nurbyubyu: FP of the Platform Cross-border tuberculosis control in Central Asia; Raimbachayeva Vinera Kalybekovna: Deputy of the National Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic, Chairman of the Committee on Social Issues, and Head of the National TB Caucus; Isanova Maria Nasirdinovna: Head of the the Committee on Social Policy of the National Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic; Bakirova Chynara Abdygulovna: Caucus FP and co-founder of the Platform to combat tuberculosis in the Kyrgyz Republic; Mamayusupov Abdykhalil Shadmanovich: department of the Committee on Social Policy of the National Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic)

The meeting closed with an agreement that TB should become a priority on the agenda of parliamentarian and governing bodies from November 1 onwards: a necessary move in the wake of lifting Kyrgyzstan’s COVID-19 related state of emergency. This can only become more effective as civil society and affected communities involve themselves with national TB programs.

Following this meeting, the Secretariat of the National Parliament requested that the Ministry of Health enact a national plan to implement the Cabinet of Ministers' Program “On fighting Tuberculosis-VI” for 2022-2026. This program defines the goals, objectives, and priorities of the state policies on efforts against TB, as well as how to reduce the risk of TB for Kyrgyzstan’s national population from 2022-2026.

This request also required a plan for a national day against AIDS, which will help CSOs be more involved with the development of national TB policies and provide recommendations from their perspectives, as well as share best practices.


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