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Côte d’Ivoire National Parliamentary TB Caucus gets capacitated on HIV and Human Rights

Côte d’Ivoire National Parliamentary TB Caucus participated in a parliamentary trainers

training organised by ENDA SANTE in collaboration with Alliance Côte d’Ivoire from 19 July 2020 to 24 July 2020, in Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire. The main objective of the training was to capacitate peer legislators on Human Rights in relation to HIV and to emphasize the intrinsic relationship between the two for a better appropriation of the legal instruments and mechanisms favorable to the effective increase of patients' access to medico-social care services.

During the meeting, TB was integrated into the discussion through presentations on its epidemiological context. In addition, Côte d'Ivoire's international obligations in the context of HIV and TB as well as the community response to addressing the socio-legal barriers that impede access to health services for vulnerable populations were also discussed. The trained legislators were equipped with validated training modules to be used during cascade trainings.

The training workshop on HIV and human rights is part of the general framework of activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of legislators to better understand the issue of key populations and People Living with HIV in the context of the fight against HIV. The framework also seeks to increase the Legislators’ understanding for effective advocacy in protecting the rights and increase access to better care of key populations, which is a part of the national response. The Global TB Caucus Secretariat was represented by the Francophone Regional Manager, Deborah Ogwuche, who shared the statement of intent on TB and COVID and further delivered a presentation on the role of parliamentarians in sustaining the fight against TB.


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