Get involved.
The Global TB Caucus works to build the political will to end TB. We cannot do it without your support.
Everyone involved in TB has a role to play in engaging and educating their political representatives about the disease.
Simple actions, such as writing a letter asking your representative
to sign the Barcelona Declaration, can make a difference.
On this page you will find copies of the Declaration translated into a number of different languages. You will also find a set of resources for establishing a National TB Caucus.
Finally if you want to contact us, just use the contact form below.

National TB Caucus Resources
To establish a National TB Caucus, two documents are required: Terms of Reference and a Founding document. You can find drafts below.

Contact your representative
If you would like to ask your representative to join the fight against TB and become a member of the Global TB Caucus, you can use this draft letter.
Contact Us
If you are an elected representative or a member of civil society interested in working with us, simply contact us to find out more. Or to learn more about us, sign up to our partner newsletter here.